This is the academic website of Julio Pérez Serrano, Full Professor of Contemporary History and Head of the Contemporary History Research Group (GEHA) at University of Cádiz.
Contact information:
Department of Modern, Contemporary, American and Art History. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. University of Cadiz. Email: Phone: 0034 956 015 574
Web of Science ResearcherID A-2464-2014 / Scopus AuthorID 57202977550 / ORCID 0000-0001-7644-4255 / ResearchGate Julio_Serrano2 / JulioPérezSerrano Google Scholar O4nmgE4AAAAJ / Dialnet 102626 / VIAF 46010601 / IdRef 119092921 / Microsoft Academic 2152588685 / Semantic Scholar J.-Serrano / Biblioteca Nacional de España XX1727982 / Library of Congress n95054561 ISNI 0000000073697153